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Woman is frustrated after rage applying tik Tok trend

The Rage Applier

So, you’re employed and in a job where you feel underappreciated, overworked and undervalued. According to Tik Tok, the trendy thing to do is Rage Apply: apply to multiple jobs to find one that pays more and then revenge quit in a blaze of glory. “Peace out, old job!”  

We get it. Well, we kind of get it. We understand if you want a new job when the current one is unfulfilling. We understand what it feels like to be underappreciated, and we also understand wanting to make more money. But where you start to lose us is the quick trigger on finding a new job. It is especially confusing when leaving the current job is supposed to be viewed as punishment for not correcting what managers often don’t even realize was a problem. The truth is, there may be a chance to correct it.  

No one should have to stay in a job where they feel disrespected and their contributions are not appreciated. You have plenty of options and leaving might be the best for you.  

But there may be a more beneficial option, which is to address the issue with your boss or a company representative. You may have an opportunity to communicate what is undesirable about the job or company. Sharing that information may not make a difference only for you but may also impact the working conditions of those who follow you.  

Talking through tough issues is hard work. It takes practice to learn how to say what needs to be said without making things worse or burning bridges. But it is an important skill, and every time you do it, you have an opportunity to learn how to do it better. When a worker decides to quit rather than addressing an unpleasant incident, or even a boss who’s a jerk or a company that doesn’t seem to appreciate them, they may not figure out how to deal with those issues in their next job. And serial quitting will eventually harm your career.  

If you are currently one aggravating incident away from rage applying, take a few minutes and ask yourself the following questions regarding where those feelings come from: 

  • Are they from a manager you don’t like?  
  • Is it a co-worker who constantly complains to you, and you find yourself nodding right along in agreement?  
  • Is it the culture of the organization – the way it feels in your core – that makes you unhappy?  
  • Or is it simply that you feel disconnected and lack information about the work you do or how you do it?  


Find your reasons and then determine if you can address them within the organization. If you feel angry about the way you’re treated, try putting your thoughts down on paper (so to speak.) Write a memo to your manager – at home, and not on a company asset – that outlines rationally and calmly what you think the issues are. “When I learned I wasn’t going to be considered for the promotion because I’d only been in my current role for six months, I felt as though my performance was ignored. I think the company should be more concerned about the quality of someone’s work rather than how long they’ve been with the company or at their current job.”  

Utilize your memo to prepare to talk with your manager if you decide you want to try to work through the issues. If you like your job and your team 95 percent of the time, one incident should not make you want to throw it all away. On the other hand, if you still feel angry and unappreciated after some time has passed, maybe it is time to move on. But you’ll do it after careful consideration rather than in the heat of the moment. The key to making decisions about whether to stay or quit is to make them with a cool head.